Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00 PM
Welcome to
Monroe Township Water & Sewer District
Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00 PM
Monroe Township Water & Sewer District
Regular Meetings held at 6:00 PM,
2nd Tuesday of each month (unless noted).
Monroe Township Building
4 E. Main St.
Tipp City, Ohio 45371
Rates for water and sewer in 2025 will remain unchanged. Click below for the rate schedule (same as 2023).
In working with Miami County Sanitary Engineering, we are pleased to report that our drinking water is safe and meets federal and state requirements. Please see the link below for the report. Please contact Monroe Township Water and Sewer District at 937-667-3136 or the Sanitary Engineering Department at 937-440-5653 for questions.
It is the District's and Board's responsibility to serve the overall best interests of the community and the residents that make up that community. Bringing "public" water and sewer services to the citizens within the project area is about protecting the health and safety of the citizens within the community and project area. The Board is charged with balancing the needs of the community with the costs of providing services to those residents. The Board will continue to listen and give consideration to each property Owner's concerns as it balances those concerns against the residents' health and safety as well as the associated costs. The Board is there to serve the best interests of the residents and the community.
Please feel free to contact any Board member through the website, or by attending its monthly public meeting with any questions or concerns you may have as we move forward.
4 East Main Street, Tipp City, Ohio 45371
937-667-3136 (Monroe Township main number)
Note: Do not use e-mail to contact Monroe Township Water & Sewer District (MTWSD) for emergencies or to file a report of any incident. When sending e-mail, please understand that responses are contingent upon the discretion and availability of the recipient. These messages are not private or confidential and may be handled by an appropriate staff member. All e-mail messages are subject to public disclosure and may become part of the public record.
Disclaimer: The MTWSD has made every effort to make certain that the information contained on this web site is accurate and correct. The information provided is subject to change without notification. The MTWSD cannot be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions. Also, the MTWSD cannot be responsible for information contained on pages linked herein that are not maintained by the MTWSD. Please contact MTWSD at 937-667-3136 to verify accuracy, clarification, and/or for additional information.